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Krieg in LibyenRebellen nehmen Vorort von Sirte ein

Die Kämpfer des libyschen Übergangsrates rücken weiter vor. Offenbar haben sie einen Vorort von Sirte, eine der letzten Hochburgen der Anhänger Gaddafis, eingenommen.

Kämpfer des Übergangsrates suchen Schutz an einer Mauer. Der Kampf um Sirte dauert an. Bild: dapd

KAIRO dpa | Kämpfer des libyschen Übergangsrates haben nach Medienberichten im Kampf um die Stadt Sirte einen wichtigen Vorort erobert. Wie der arabische Nachrichtensender Al-Dschasira in der Nacht berichtete, rückten sie am Montagabend in Kasr Abu Hadi ein.

Dort soll der gestürzte Diktator Muammar al-Gaddafi 1942 in einem Beduinenzelt geboren worden sein. Der größte Teil der knapp 5000 Einwohner des südlichen Vororts sei bereits vor dem Einmarsch geflohen, hieß es. Verbliebene Bewohner berichteten, ins Kreuzfeuer zwischen Gaddafi-treuen Truppen und den Kämpfern des Übergangsrates geraten zu sein.

Sirte ist eine der letzten Hochburgen der Anhänger Gaddafis. Sie leisten seit Wochen erbitterten Widerstand gegen die vorrückenden Truppen der neuen Führung in Tripolis. Die humanitäre Lage in der Hafenstadt ist nach Angaben des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) katastrophal. Am Montag hatten tausende Bewohner eine Feuerpause zur Flucht genutzt. Mehr als 10.000 Menschen sollen Sirte laut IKRK inzwischen verlassen haben.

Truppen des Übergangsrates begannen den Berichten zufolge am späten Montag erneut mit dem Beschuss der Stadt.

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  • T

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    Zitat "Libya brief update before NATO Meeting

    Posted on October 5, 2011 by nsnbc


    After the all out assault on Sirte was grind to a halt yesterday, Libya is relatively calm. Is it the calm before the next storm or will NATO leaders have difficulties explaining Generals to continue a war that can earn them life imprisonment in any nation with international jurisdiction. by Dr. Christof Lehmann


    After the last days assault on Sirte today it is relatively calm. Though artillery duels between TNC fighters and Libyan Defense Forces in Sirte continue, it is calm enough to become aware of the destruction. What was impossible to do before, evacuating the dead and wounded from the ruins will add to the realization of the enormity of the massacre committed on the residents and defenders of Sirte.


    Today NATO and TNC evacuated more than 200 wounded “rebels” from Sirte, which had been triaged outside the cities southern suburbs.


    In Tripoli the population is defiant with regards to Abdelhakim Belhadj´s appeal to surrender the weapons that have been passed to them. When it became obvious for the Libyan Government that it was facing an all out assault, 1.2 million weapons were provided to the population to defend the country, and so they do. After the appeal to surrender weapons, yesterday was the first day in Tripoli where road blocks had been erected in an attempt to control the flow of weapons in the areas under TNC control. During the evening the troops manning those roadblocks came under sniper fire from silenced rifles resulting in heavy casualties.


    In Bengazi fighting has lost intensity, and there is a stand off between the heavily entrenched TNC fighters in the city center and Libyan Forces surrounding them. Fighting was also reported from the western mountain ranges, and around Saba, but non of the clashes have the intensity of the last weeks battles.


    Is it the calm before the next storm. If so, how many more reserves can or will be flown in, from where, in the attempt to break the seemingly unbreakable will of the Libyan population to defend their countries independence. Libya was the pearl of Africa, they know it is worth fighting for.


    Tomorrow NATO leaders will meet to make the decision that will determine that fate of hundreds of thousands of people. Whispers about secret diplomatic talks? I have heard about them but nothing is confirmed. What is confirmed, even though NATO denies it, is that an increasing amount of officers has gravest concerns what consequences a continuation of the war crimes in Libya will have for them and their troops.Will reason prevail or will a clique of conquistadors decide to continue their plunder. We will know more tomorrow.


    Dr. Christof Lehmann



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    Für einen politisch interessierten Menschen gehört die Wahrheitsfindung zu einer der wichtigsten Aufgaben. Dazu hat es sich bewährt beide Seiten anzuhören - dann einfach auf Gefühl und Verstand vertrauen. Und bei Ungerechtigkeit tätig werden.

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  • HS
    Hari Seldon

    Der Vorort ist ca. 20 km vom Sirte-Zentrum entfernt, und liegt nähe Flughafen in der Wüste (jeder kann selbst mit Google-Map prüfen). Die Bewohner haben den Vorort schon längst verlassen, und die Räuberbanden der Rebellen haben die Ortschaft mindestens drei mal eingenommen, und dann wurden die Horden wieder rausgeschmissen. Gestern haben dort die Rebellen ca. 200 Kämpfer verloren, und die sind schon wieder weg. Es ist interessant, was der amerikanische General, Ham in Brüssel in den internen Diskussionen gesagt hat: Ohne die NATO-Unterstützung wären die Rebellen über Nacht weg vom Fenster. So groß ist die gesellschaftliche Unterstützung. Und Deutschland unterstützt diesen Raubkrieg und die Räuberbanden nicht mit 11, sondern mit 100(!) Soldaten, ohne die Zustimmung des Bundestages. Bitte, wo ist der Opposition? Zur Zeit läuft ein Volksaufstand gegen die Rebellen, und sogar mindestens 50% von Benghazi ("Wiege der Revolution") ist nicht mehr unter der Kontrolle der Rebellen. Die NTC-Schergen führen Mordzüge gegen andere NTC-Schergen für einen grösseren Stück Kuchen, und töten die Zivilbevölkerung willkürlich. Die NATO-Hubschrauber (als "humanitäre Mission") traktieren die Zivilbevölkerung mit Maschinengewehrkugeln. Wie lange wird dieser faschistische Raubkrieg noch geduldet? Die Kriegsverbrecher sollten ganz klar benannt werden, und in einem zeiten Nürnberg-Verfahren verurteilt werden. Wäre Volkermord, Aggression, usw. Leistungsmerkmale der westlichen "Demokratie" und Zivilisation?

  • T

    Die andere Seite (authentisch in englisch)

    Zitat "Libya Storm on Sirte Failed TNC in Desperate Chaos

    Posted on October 4, 2011 by nsnbc


    Yesterday NATO and TNC Mercenaries initiated the yet heaviest assault on the strategically and economically important city of Sirte, advancing into the suburbs of the city. After heavy fighting the attack was grinded to a halt this morning. Though heavy fighting continued in other cities the fronts were relatively calm, which indicates that the TNC is running low on reserves. Is the all out assault a desperate attempt to register one victory before the NATO Meeting in two days, Intelligence close to the TNC reports that the Transitional National Counsel is in utter chaos. This morning at a press conference, Abdelhakim Belhadj “pleaded” to the population in Tripoli to help establish “stability, law and order” and give back their arms to the Tripoli Military Counsel. by Dr. Christof Lehmann


    In two days, on 6 October, NATO leaders will meet to discuss how they are going to proceed with their modern, North African Vietnam. While the situation in Southern Libya is relatively stable, and heavy fighting continued inside Bengazi and other northern cities, as reported yesterday, the situation was relatively calm. In Bengazi, which is liberated with the exception of the city center where TNC Fighters are heavily entrenched, a group of Tribal Elders promised undying vengeance after reviewing video evidence of over 200 murders committed by the TNC´s Al Qaeda troops.


    It seems as if the TNC had yesterday concentrated all available troops in the all out assault on Sirte. Under the cover of heavy and light artillery barrages from land and sea, as well as under the cover of air support, the TNC fighters were approaching towards forward positions, capturing some of the suburbs of Sirte, paying the price of heavy casualties. How volatile the situation is for the TNC fighters became clear when the rebel commander, who newly replaced another rebel commander who had fallen into an ambush, was killed by a special operation of the Libyan Military tonight. In spite of a heavy investment in manpower and material, this morning the assault on Sirte has grinded into a halt, and the attacking TNC troops have made themselves massively available as targets for special operations from Libyan Military, Tribal Militia and other Allied Forces from throughout North Africa.


    French Blowback - French Mines Destroy 35 NATO Vehicles


    According to a Russian Intelligence Operative who is observing the situation in Libya closely, yesterday warriors of the Tuareg tribe gave a demonstration of their special desert warfare skills. The Russian Intelligence source revealed to Stalinist Live Journal, that intercepted NATO communications revealed that two AV-8B Harrier II and two Eurofighter jets from the Italian Carrier Garibaldi Guiseppe were searching in vain for the cause of the destruction of 35 tanks and armored personnel carriers. The destruction of the targets with 5 minutes interval was interpreted as a sign of an attack from the air, though no radar nor infrared signatures could be found. A close inspection of the destroyed vehicles revealed the remains of French made anti tank mines, which according to the same intelligence source had been placed under the vehicles by Tuareg warriors, who are experts in desert stealth guerrilla warfare.


    Tonight nsnbc received intelligence that what remains of the TNC after 90% of it´s members left remains in utter chaos. The Libyan Youth movement, which recently declared war on the TNC has begun an assassination campaign of persons cooperating with the TNC and Abdelhakim Belhadj´s Tripoli Military Counsel aka Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Yesterday a judge, responsible for harsh sentences against captured military officers loyal to the legitimate Libyan Government was murdered in his home. The home of the judge is in one of the “safest” most heavily guarded districts of Tripoli, only a few hundred meters away from the Royal Danish Embassy.


    At a press conference this morning, Abdelhakim Belhadj was pleading to the residents of Tripoli to surrender their weapons so the Tripoli Military Counsel aka Libyan Islamic Fighting Group could establish “law and order” as the basis for taking steps towards building democratic institutions. Desperate words, considering that it is not long ago that the TNC promised ” Democracy Within 20 Month´s “. With overwhelming likelihood his words will also be in vain, considering the precedence of “law and order” a la Belhadj the population has experienced. With over 90 % of the Libyan people opposed to the illegal occupation of their country, and increased military support from throughout Northern Africa, the best chance for establishing law and order would be for Belhadj, Jalil, Jibril and NATO to leave Libya. As to Syria, the establishment and massive backing up of the Syrian National Counsel after the last months of insurgency, sanctions and NATO backed unconventional warfare must raise red flags about where NATO´s next attacks are planned.


    Dr. Christof Lehmann "

    Zitat Ende


    Für einen politisch interessierten Menschen gehört die Wahrheitsfindung zu einer der wichtigsten Aufgaben. Dazu hat es sich bewährt beide Seiten anzuhören - dann einfach auf Gefühl und Verstand vertrauen. Und bei Ungerechtigkeit tätig werden.

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  • N

    bin total entsetzt von den meisten taz artikel die lybien betreffen. merke da keinen unterschied zu spoon, ard oder blöd...


    hab schon länger das gefühl gehabt das ihr nur ein weiteres fettauge in der mainstreamsuppe seid und bereue jede print die ich mir je gekauft habe

