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24.07.2018 , 18:02 Uhr
Greece, Sweden is experiencing the first real big Wildfire drama since 300 Years More than 60 wildfires. Climate changes worldwide especially affected wildfire and water. Market 4.9 bn $ and damages per year 350 million hectares. Traditional aerial fire suppression efforts are increasingly challenged in regions of large-scale wildfire activity such as in the US, Canada, Europe and Australia. This is because fires are more intense due to favorable fire conditions created by global warming and aging vegetation. To stop these fires, firefighting authorities require increasing amounts of water, which has to be carried and deployed from larger and larger aircraft creating an unsustainable economic Situation.
The markets for Wildfire Media, Agents and fire suppression including Aerial FP worldwide 2016 4.9 billion US $ and 2030 10.6 billion US $ Worldwide, the total area burned due to forest, wild and bushfires annually is 350 million hectares. And a strong increase the next 20 years.
This is in a new Study 2018 edition and update 2018
zum Beitrag07.01.2018 , 09:07 Uhr
Kunstfleisch. Nanofood. Seit 2000 wird daran geforscht. 2018 sind 16 Institute und Unternehmen in der Forschung und Entwicklung weltweit. Mehrere Studien von zeigen die Entwicklung seit 1998 und die zu erwartende Marktreife bzw Markteinführung. An Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture führt kein Weg vorbei.
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