Der Software-Entwickler Bassel Khartabil ist tot. Laut seiner Frau wurde der Mitte-30-Jährige bereits vor zwei Jahren vom syrischen Regime hingerichtet.
Europe wants to “fight the root causes of migration“ by providing more aid to Africa. A cynical game: they are effectively paying for people to be detained.
No idea seems to far fetched for discussion. Internment in Africa, termination of rescue operations at sea – everything just for the sake of keeping refugees away.
Neither asylum rights nor a visa: The chances that many Ghanaians will make it to Europe are slim to none. The EU keeps banking on its tactic of deterring them and sending them back.
Ivory Coast has long been a popular target country for immigrants from West Africa. These days, however, many want to leave the country, especially young people.
Nigeria was the first country to sign a migration and mobility treaty with the EU. The EU Delegation is working intensely to negotiate a readmission agreement, but Nigeria is expecting compensation.
Much has been done to bolster security along Mali’s once porous border. Local police forces are only all too happy to implement the new border regime as demanded by the EU, with border crossings often requiring payment of a 'fee’.