dokumentation – new york post

„They need to bleed“

Die konservative „New York Post“ ist eines der einflussreichsten Boulevardblätter der USA und gehört seit 1976 dem internationalen Medienunternehmer Rupert Murdoch. Der Text ihres Editorials vom Donnerstag gibt einen Eindruck von der Kriegshysterie in den USA. Wir dokumentieren einen Auszug:

„America digs its dead and wounded from smoldering rubble in Lower Manhattan and in Washington. Osama Bin Laden exults in the Afghan desert. Mobs cheer in Cairo and on the West Bank, and Saddam doubtless dances a victory jig in Baghdad. America bleeds. This is war. It needs to be prosecuted as such. The men behind the men who rained havoc on New York and Washington need to be called to account. The heavens need to fall on their heads. [. . .]

They need to bleed. Not next month. Not next week. Now.

Who are they? Who cares? Cast a wide enough net, and you’ll catch the fish that need catching. And it is inconceivable that American military intelligence – working with allies like Britain and Israel – doesn’t know where the big fish run. So locate them. Pinpoint them. Bomb them. And then bomb their smoldering rubble one more time!“