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18.01.2025 , 22:33 Uhr
For some reason, you constantly move away from the main topic of the discussion and the article under which it continues. And thank you - I read the material you proposed and know the difference between fascism and Nazism well. True, were there many opportunities in Europe in the 1930s to avoid one or the other? But again, I'm not talking about that. So about the so-called Volyn-1943. It was a real Ukrainian-Polish war, the root cause of which was that Poland emerged from the First World War as a state, and the Ukrainian people did not gain it. At the same time, some Ukrainians lived in Poland, which since the early 1930s had turned their lives into hell. And then were thousands of victims on both sides. Today these victims want to be counted and paid tribute in Poland and Ukraine. And this should finally happen. As well as the dialogue of historians, which PiS has actually torpedoed for the last 10 years. With both - Bandera and Shukhevych - Ukraine will be in the EU. True, for this, Europeans must study not Stalin's "Short Course in the History of the CPSU (Bolsheviks)", but the preserved archives and recorded memories of people who survived the 1940s.
zum Beitrag18.01.2025 , 15:22 Uhr
I will remind, maybe who has forgotten here. in the article I wrote about how the governments of the two countries finally reached an understanding not to use the dark pages of the history of both nations to jointly fight against the Nazis of the 21st century - the Russians and their imperialism.
At the same time, the vector of action of both Tusk and Zelenskyi is directed against the right-wing populist party Law and Justice. its candidate for the president of Poland, similar to the German Alternative, does not see Ukraine in the EU.
If you want more about Bandera, І prefer Roman Shukhevych, but if about Bandera, then please do not put an equal sign between him and the Nazis, who put him in a concentration camp for wanting to fight for the Ukrainian state in all possible ways. In the same way that you Germans formed your single state in the 19th century, and in the same way that the Poles emerged from World War 1 with their own state.
zum Beitrag17.01.2025 , 20:02 Uhr
Fashists history of the West Ukraine? Really? You learn the history of my country by the Soviet books and authors?
zum Beitrag03.01.2025 , 14:35 Uhr
Me and Taz often wrote about mobilization. And will write. Ukraine will need not only guys for defend against russian nazy invasion, but women and child too. That why idea to return Ukrainians home is pretty good, but now, for my opinion, we havnt good ideas.
zum Beitrag27.12.2024 , 14:44 Uhr
is this just to belittle the feat of everyone who defends their country from the Russians with a gun in their hands? no, i'm not into that. they are heroes - everyone who has been at the front for almost 3 years
zum Beitrag27.12.2024 , 14:29 Uhr
So what do you propose? Let the russians come to kill you and you yourself offer them to load the "Kalashnikov"? What is this shit under the material about honoring heroes who defend their country?
zum Beitrag27.12.2024 , 07:48 Uhr
Your comment is a pathetic attempt to find black in white. Although I suspect that you didn't read the text, but only looked at the photo
zum Beitrag26.11.2024 , 18:12 Uhr
and you get into a time machine, come to Ukraine in April 2022 after Bucha, Irpin, Yagidne, and then after Lyman, Izyum and dozens of other cities and villages where these russian scum killed people because they were Ukrainians. Come and start negotiating, yeah...
zum Beitrag26.11.2024 , 18:08 Uhr
There is a social contract between people and the state: they protect each other. If a thief and a rapist come to your home at night, swing an ax at you and take off his pants, will you ask permission to hit him or will you kill him? What negotiations will you ask him for and will you have time to find a mediator for them?
zum Beitrag26.11.2024 , 18:02 Uhr
Before the war, you used cheap russian gas and had a good economy on it. Ok. After the start of russia's intervention in Ukraine, you quickly reoriented the economy to expensive gas and lost your leadership, now you have stagnation. Don't you think that the question is simple: or continue to be a leader, a country that really defends democracy and the principles of international law and temporarily loses economically. Or simply surrender to putin - hand over Ukraine to him in exchange for cheap gas? It's simple: you suffer and win for a long time in a democracy or submit to tyranny. It's just like the Munich-1938 conspiracy, like the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact-1939.
zum Beitrag25.11.2024 , 19:10 Uhr
About canceling of Russian language... it's fake news of Russian propaganda. Unfortunately during hundreds years under imperial pressure so many Ukrainians forget native language. And we have a chance to reconstruct language, culture. So: go on from the Moscow and ALL russian
zum Beitrag25.11.2024 , 19:04 Uhr
it was calculated in Kiel that it is more profitable for Germany to give more weapons to Ukraine than to accept refugees and finance the reconstruction of our economy
zum Beitrag25.11.2024 , 18:58 Uhr
not all Ukrainian men go abroad. those that cross rivers are rather an exception. but there are such cases. by the way, another reason for their despair is the lack of shells. do you get my hint?
zum Beitrag25.11.2024 , 18:52 Uhr
You know absolutely zero about propaganda if didn't read russians media. German media right now are absolutely balanced when writing about russian war in Ukraine.
zum Beitrag25.11.2024 , 18:49 Uhr
100% truth
zum Beitrag25.11.2024 , 18:49 Uhr
Usually I wrote by two languages- Ukrainian and russian
zum Beitrag25.11.2024 , 18:48 Uhr
It's your war too. If you understand it's faster, you will be ready for russian terror on your territory better
zum Beitrag19.11.2024 , 14:44 Uhr
First of all, it is a war for independence. Ukrainians are not despairing people, if they had despaired, they would have given up long ago. And it is not Putin personally who is fighting at the front against us, but the Russians. It is you and Sarah and other AfD constantly explain, especially before the elections
zum Beitrag03.10.2024 , 09:42 Uhr
We need to be a little broader about the context of Tymoshchuk. He was indeed very popular, waving the Ukrainian flag at and after matches, promoting Ukrainian causes. But money won out - he was simply bought by Gazprom. And his case is typical of several million Ukrainians who live quietly in Russia and have remained silent until now. The war simply accelerated the determination of who is a true Ukrainian and who still lives in the USSR, where there was one nation, the Soviet man, who used the Russian language and culture, because other languages and cultures were devalued and degenerated. By and large, Tymoshchuk's fame and recognition were “bought” by Russia to hurt Ukraine.
zum Beitrag02.10.2024 , 19:14 Uhr
Typically Russian narrative about civil war. Open your eyes, boy.
zum Beitrag02.10.2024 , 08:21 Uhr
That's right: during the 10 years of war, one could have understood what Russia is a long time ago. But Tymoshchuk likes to be where the money is. There were also many publications about his new wife being connected to the FSB. I did not write about this in the text because there is no verified information.
zum Beitrag24.08.2024 , 11:18 Uhr
as a person, I have read the law, I will tell you this: The law does not prohibit prayer, does not prohibit faith, but it prohibits structures related to the Russian Federation will be closed For the state of Ukraine, the most important thing is not the language of worship, nor the calendar, but the Christian heart and the Ukrainian soul. This is not a law banning the Moscow church. This is a law on the creation of legal mechanisms regarding the prohibition of the Moscow church. Now there will be a long and complicated process with an unknown outcome. Only so, only the rule of law. No one forbids praying. But structures affiliated with the Kremlin will be closed And dont believe Robert Amsterdam. this is a person who paid a lot of money to lobby the Russian church. They paid money that could have been spent on the purchase of weapons in the war against the Russian Nazis
zum Beitrag22.06.2024 , 07:42 Uhr
Thanks! Here:
zum Beitrag21.06.2024 , 10:57 Uhr
Imagine that a robber came to you. You hid behind the sofa. He robbed you, blocked the door, sits in one of the rooms and shoots at you - he demands peace and the right to live in the stolen room. Will you put up with him?
zum Beitrag30.05.2024 , 12:50 Uhr
I don't agree with your statement, but ok, so be it.
And what to do with such a condition as fair elections - with free debates, equal access to the media? And you didn't tell the military what to do - to vote depending on the presence of Starlinks or to ask vladimir huilo not to shoot?
zum Beitrag30.05.2024 , 08:27 Uhr
then please provide effective advice on how to organize voting for 1 million soldiers and 5 million Ukrainians abroad. But I am asking for effective advice to do it within 3-4 months. And so - I invite you to Ukraine to look at the ordinary everyday life of the city within a 100-kilometer strip from the front. Then you will be able to adjust the plans for the elections - I am certain!
zum Beitrag26.05.2024 , 17:57 Uhr
thanks for the post! The ban on hitting Russia is absolutely stupid. These bastards have no limits, and we can't get to them. Where is the logic? Kharkiv these bitches are destroying right now while you are reading the column and comments
zum Beitrag18.05.2024 , 20:58 Uhr
zum Beitrag18.05.2024 , 20:55 Uhr
And about how "not to get involved"?
The Russians buried 20% of their territory. Isn't this a conflict? Not an occupation? What's that?
Your theses about foreign trade are confirmed by those that Georgia has in part with schemes that allow russians to avoid sanctions.
Do you prefer politicians who try to encourage contact "with both sides of a conflict"?
Chamberlain, Steinmeier and Merkel were like this. And then was 1939 and 2022
zum Beitrag18.05.2024 , 16:25 Uhr
First, Georgia did not start the war. If a knife was swung at you, will you proudly put your chest up so as not to become a murderer, or will you give the aggressor a shot? Secondly, no one compared Ukraine with Georgia in the material. It is about why Ukrainians are watching the events in Georgia even during the genocidal war of russia.
zum Beitrag27.03.2024 , 19:18 Uhr
They play outside Ukraine from November 2021. Our football players send miney for army every week, thouthands euro, becouse they are the patriots of Ukraine and love Motherland.
zum Beitrag17.02.2024 , 11:59 Uhr
It's true. Russian wifes often received old cars Lada for her husband's. Ukrainians mothers and wifes donate part of the compensation for army.
zum Beitrag08.01.2024 , 09:13 Uhr
Do you propose to finish Russian war in Ukraine as a Russian victory and the occupation of Ukraine? So, think about for example about possible Russian aggression to Germany. Will you suggest to give a piece of your country to Russian desperates.
zum Beitrag07.01.2024 , 23:06 Uhr
It's not fake, but one of the numerous ideas about mobilization in Ukraine. Yes, it's seems to be a crazy decision, if it will prove. But: in Ukraine all ideas are in the focus of civil society. That is a difference with russia
zum Beitrag22.12.2023 , 20:13 Uhr
Exactly. Support from Europe and the US is critical in these months. Therefore, we thank the Germans for the new aid package and are waiting for a decision on the Taurus missiles to fire the Russians.
zum Beitrag31.10.2023 , 19:29 Uhr
the author taz writes about the fact that the children who collect money to help the army of Ukraine called themselves Banderivtsi in honor of those Ukrainians who fought for their country 80 years ago, because they were deprived of it after the First World War and, unfortunately, the Second World War. They fought until they were destroyed by the Soviet regime, which is still not properly condemned in the world (like the modern russian one).
zum Beitrag28.10.2023 , 14:17 Uhr
would be interested to know where you were taught history? Me, for example, not only at the university, but also in life, because I grew up in these lands where, as you say, "Bandera supporters" killed peaceful Jews and Poles. And it was my grandfather's brother who was shot at night by Soviet special forces disguised as Bandera residents. It is not out of place for you to remember that Bandera himself was in a German concentration camp, and his brother was killed there by the Nazis. But the most important question is: where were you taught history and what books and authors did you read. Do you know about such a concept as "bloody lands"? And if they knew, they definitely wouldn't believe that there are historical figures who are white and fluffy. And then surely they would at least think about how a nation that was stripped of its statehood after the First World War could defend itself and elect a state?
zum Beitrag24.10.2023 , 16:19 Uhr
the parents of these children are under fire every day. can you stop them from helping their parents kill the invaders who came for their life, land, freedom and state?
zum Beitrag17.10.2023 , 10:43 Uhr
It is hard for you to understand, but many people in Ukraine really find it difficult to write about putin and russia as their own names, the names of living beings. It will not help to win on the battlefield, but it will strengthen the hatred of the enemy.
zum Beitrag07.10.2023 , 16:08 Uhr
Tauruses are also needed. if we recieve only air defense - it will not stop the russians. Any anti-aircraft missile can miss missiles - proved today by Israel. Taurus and other good western missiles will deter the russians because they can retaliate.
zum Beitrag04.10.2023 , 11:42 Uhr
Thanks for the kind words, but there is a nuance. Zelensky intended to transfer the investigation of particularly important corruption cases to the Security Service, but has not yet dared to do so. And that's right. Now Ukraine has really taken up corruption. It may not be very noticeable in the West, but those who follow the issue in Ukraine are pleasantly shocked. Of course, the war and the need to get help from Europe and the USA pushed the government to this. And thank you for it!
zum Beitrag