: Warm and soft, in the flesh

The flesh, what‘s that? According to Eric L. Santner, „flesh“ denotes the stuff, which „emerges out of the entanglement of the somatic and normative pressures that constitute creaturely life“. Santners new book „The Weight of All Flesh. On the Subject-Matter of Political Economy“ offers a new interpretation of Marx‘s critique of political economy by situating its object in genealogical proximity to the political theology of sovereignty. It links Freud‘s understanding of the drive to Marx‘s understanding of value-producing labor to develop a new take on forms and experiences of embodied subjectivity in modern capitalist societies. Introductory talk by Eric L. Santner, responses by Daniel Weidner and Gal Hertz. ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, Mitte, 3. Et., 19 Uhr