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die wahrheitDear Prime Minister from India,

Kommentar von Dan Richter

the Saxon Prime Minister who is your colleague so to say, has said me, that it is better to write the letter in your English language so that it comes not to more misunderstandings.

Mügeln is beautiful! Bild: dpa (3)

I 'm the mayor of Mügeln, a beautiful city in Saxony, where some of your lands people had problems on the last weekend. They had brown skin and they were on a folk feast. There were some foreigner enemies who are no Nazis, because they had no hookcrosses on their jacket. They had thought that the Indians are Africans. And that's why the beat them so strong. If they had known they are Indians nothing would have happen, because the Saxons love Indian men, for example Winnetou is a book from a Saxon man, Karl May. The circle Oschatz has, I believe, written an application for money against right extremistic violence. But the Bund had not enough middle for every circle. And Saxony is in the East. Like India. You must understand that we have it also not easy. And for our economic standplace it is a catastrophe, when the press writes that we are Neo-Nazis. So. Here the letter is finished. I have also noch other things to do.

With friendly greetings

Yours Gotthard Deuse

Abgefangen von DAN RICHTER

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  • E

    das passt: Anzeige, vom Deuse, wegen gemeiner Verleumdung.