der soundtrack zum klimawandel
: I’m On Standby

Elektrische Geräte, die im Standby-Betrieb laufen, verbrauchen allein in Deutschland 22 Milliarden Kilowattstunden Strom pro Jahr. Die müssen eingespart werden, sagen Verbraucherschützer – und fordern das Verbot der Standby-Schaltung. Zum Abschied singen wir das visionäre Lied „I’m On Standby“ aus dem Album „Sumday“ der Gruppe Grandaddy

I’m rolling down a well worn road

I’m wondering if I’ll ever know

If I’ll be better than I was before

When I surface through the service door


I’m on standby

Out of order or sort of unaligned

Powered down for redesign

Bye bye

I’m on standby

According to the work order you signed

I’ll be down for some time

I’ll be down for some time

I got good at saying „I gotta go“

Number one at saying „I don’t know“

But from the stories I’ve heard

You humans require more words


I’m on standby

Out of order or sort of unaligned

Powered down for redesign

Bye bye

I’m on standby

According to the work order you signed

I’ll be down for some time