Blue Moon, Oh Blowooww Mooooon How I Adore You!

Rainer Maria Rilke (* 16.8.1920)

Blue Moon, Oh Bleweeww Mooooon

How I Adore You!

I care for you, darling, I love you,

the only reasen I fucked L. is because you fucked

Z. and then I fucked R. and you fucked N.

and because you fucked N. I had to fuck

Y. But I think of you constantly, I feel you

here in my belly like a baby, love I'd call it,

no matter what happens I'd call it love, and so

you fucked C. and then before I could move

you fucked W., so then I had to fuck D. But

I want you to know that I love you, I think of you

constantly, I don't think I've ever loved anybody

like I love you.

bow wow bow wow wow

bow wow bow wow wow.