: Literatur zum Thema

■ Neuere Reports, Handbücher udn Studien über Flucht und Migration. Zu vielen Ländern und Problemen gibt es keine deutschsprachige Literatur, daher müssen wir größtenteils auf englische und französische Publikationen...

Amar, Marianne / Milza, Pierre: 1990, L'immigration en France au XXe siècle. Paris.

Appleyard, R. (Hg.): 1989, The Impact of International Migration on Developing Countries, Paris.

Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française: 1990, Les Migrations internationales. Paris.

Bade, Klaus J.: 1990, Neue Heimat im Westen: Vertriebene, Flüchtlinge, Aussiedler. Münster.

Bastenier, Albert / Dassetto, Felice / Rex, John / Wihtol de Wenden, Catherine / Mehrländer, Ursula / Schierup, Carl-Ulrik / Joly, Daniele / Entzinger, Han. B. / Leca, Jean: 1990, Italia, Europa e nuove immigrazioni. Turin.

Biber, Jacob: 1990, Risen from the Ashes: A Story of the Jewish Displaced Persons in the Aftermath of World War II, being a Sequel to Survivors. San Bernardino.

Bischoff, Detlev / Teubner, Werner: 1990, Zwischen Einbürgerung und Rückkehr. Ausländerpolitik und Ausländerrecht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Berlin.

BIVS (Berliner Institut für Vergleichende Sozialforschung) (Hg.): 1988 ff., Jahrbuch für Vergleichende Sozialforschung, Berlin.

– 1991, Weltflüchtlingsbericht. Ein Handbuch zu Fluchtursachen und Asyl, Bevölkerungsbewegungen und Entwicklungspolitik, Berlin. (Loseblattsammlung, in Vorbereitung).

Brown, Lawrence A.: 1991, Place, Migration and Development in the Third World. An Alternative Perspective. London.

Castles, Stephen / Mitchell, C. / Tait, D.: 1990, The Recognition of Overseas Professional Qualifications. Canberra.

Cels, Johan Theophiel: 1990, European Refugee Regime. Diss. Notre Dame.

Cernea, Michael M.: 1990, Internal Refugees and Development Induced Population Displacement: Alternatives for Assistance. Washington, DC.

Chesnais, J.-C.: 1991, Migration from Eastern to Western Europe, Past (1946-1989) and Future (1990-2000). Straßburg.

Cohen, Roberta: 1990, Soviet Jewish Emigration to Israel. Washington (Refugee Policy Group).

Cohen, Robin: 1988, The New Helots. Migrants and the International Division of Labour. Aldershot.

Commission for the Study of International Migration and Cooperative Economic Development: 1990, Unauthorized Migration: an Economic Development Response. Washington.

Cruz, A.: 1990, An Insight into Schengen, Trevi and other European Intergovernmental Bodies. Brüssel.

Dranoff, Sarah E. u.a.: 1990, Planning: A Manual for Refugee Organizations Developed from the Project „Refugee Capacity Building: Self-sufficiency after Resettlement“. Boston, Mass.

Ferris, Elizabeth G. (Hg.): 1985; Refugees and World Politics. New York u.a.

Fijalkowski, Jürgen (Hg.): 1990, Transnationale Migranten in der Arbeitswelt. Studien zu Ausländerbeschäftigung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und zum internationalen Vergleich. Berlin.

Gellner, Ernest: 1990, Nationalismus und Moderne. Berlin.

Gibney, M.: 1990, A Critique of Norway's Refugee/Asylum Policy and Proposals for Change. Oslo.

Gilad, L.: 1990, The Northern Route: An Ethnography of Refugee Experience. St. John's.

Goodwin-Gill, Guy S.: 1990, Refugee Situations: The Changing of the International Context. Oxford.

Goulbourne, Harry: 1990, (Hg.), Black People in Britain. Aldershot.

– 1991, Nationalism and Ethnicity in Post-imperial Britain. Cambridge.

Hammar, Tomas: 1990, Democracy and the Nation State. Aliens, Denizens and Citizens in a World of International Migration. Aldershot u.a.

Hauser, P.N.: 1990, Illegal Aliens. New York.

Hönekopp, E.: 1991, Migratory Movements from Countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Causes and Characteristics, Present Situation and Possible Future Trends – the Cases of Germany and Austria. Straßburg.

Hoffmann, Lutz: 1990, Die unvollendete Republik. Einwanderungsland oder deutscher Nationalstaat?. Köln.

ICIHI (Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues) (Hg.): 1986, Refugees. Dynamics of Displacement. A Report. London / New Jersey.

Jacobson, Jodi L.: 1988, Environmental Refugees: A Yardstick of Habitability. Washington, D.C.

Jacques, Andr: 1985a, Les Dracins. Réfugis et Migrants dans le Monde. Paris.

– 1985b, The Stranger Within your Gates. Uprooted Peoples in the World Today. Genf.

Jasper, Dirk / Krüger-Potratz, Marianne: 1990, Ausländerbeschäftigung und Ausländerfeindlichkeit in der DDR, in: Interkulturelle Studien-Materialien, Texte, Dokumente, Heft 18.

Jeppesen, K.J.: 1990, Young Second Generation Immigrants in Denmark. Kopenhagen.

Joly, Danile: 1990, Refugees in Europe. A Minority Rights Group Report. London.

Joly, Danile / Cohin, Robin (Hg.): Reluctant Hosts: Europe and its Refugees. Aldershot.

Joly, Danielle / Nettleton, Clive: 1990, Refugees in Europe. London.

König, K.: 1990, Asylland Österreich: Zutritt verboten?. Wien.

Kritz, M.M./Keely, C.B./Tomasi, S.M. (Hg.): 19832 (1981), Global Trends in Migration: Theory and Research on International Population Movements. New York.

Kunz, Egon F.: 1988, Displaced Personds, Calwell's New Australians. Sydney u.a.

Lajios, Konstantin (Hg.): 1990, Die zweite und dritte Generation. Zur Sicherheit ausländischer Jugendlicher in der Bundesrepublik. Leverkusen.

LCHR (Lawyers Committee for Human Rights): 1990a The Implementation of the Refugee Act of 1980: A Decade of Experience. New York.

– 1990c Review of the Department of State's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1989. New York.

Lerner, Natan: 1991, Group Rights and Discrimination in International Law. International Studies in Human Rights 15. Dordrecht.

Loescher, G. (Hg.): 1987, Refugees: The International Regime. Oxford.

Luebke, Frederick C.: 1990, Germans in the New World: Essays in the History of Immigration. Champaign.

Magistrat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Amt für mulikulturelle Angelegenheiten (Hg.): 1990, Zur Lage der Migranten. Frankfurt am Main.

Martin, Philip L.: 1990, Ab assessment of Turkish Labor Migration to Western Europe. Geneva.

Martini, Carlo Maria / Riccard, Maria / Tentori, Tullio / Bassanini, Franco / Natale, Marcello / Bartoli, Andrea: 1990, Immigrazione, razzismo e futuro. Padua.

Niland, Norah: 1990, Use and Abuse of Humanitarian Assistance: The Politics of Suffering. Webster University.

Nuscheler, F.: 19882 (1984), Nirgendwo zu Hause. Menschen auf der Flucht. München.

Opitz, Peter J.: (Hg.): 1988, Das Weltflüchtlingsproblem. Ursachen und Folgen. München.

Potts, L.: 1988, Weltmarkt für Arbeitskraft. Von den Kolonisationen Amerikas bis zu den Migrationen der Gegenwart. Hamburg.

Refugee Council, The: 1990, Refugee Adviser's Handbook. London.

RPG (Refugee Policy Group): 1989a, Refugees and human Rights. Washington, D.C.

– 1989b, Emigration, Immigration and Changing East-West- Relations. Washington, D.C.

Ruthven, Malise: 1990, A Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Rage of Islam. London.

Schaeffer, J. (Hg.): 1990, Sanctuary and Asylum: A Handbook for Commitment. Genf.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik: 1990, Migration, Socialism, International Division of labour. One Century of Labour Migration. The Jugoslavian Experience. Aldershot.

SFH (Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Flüchtlingshilfe): 1990, ELENA European Legal Network on Asylum. Zürich.

Shain, Y.: 1990, The Frontier of Loyality. Political Exiles in the Age of the Nation-State. Middletown.

Skeldon, R.: 1990, Population Mobility in Developing Countries: A Reinterpretation. London / New York.

Sutter-O'Connor, Valerie: 1990, The Indochinese Refugee Dilemma. Baton Rouge.

Treibel, Annette: 1990, Migration in modernen Gesellschaften. Soziale Folgen von Einwanderung und Gastarbeit. Weinheim.

Tripier, Maryse: 1990, L'immigration dans la classe ouvrière en France. Paris.

UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees): 1990a, Information for Vietnamese Asylum-seekers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong.

– 1990b, Progress Reports on the Implementation of the Joint Plan of Action for Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Central America. San Jos.

– 1990b, EXCOM in Abstracts. A Bibliographic Description of Documentation Issued in the Context of UNHCR's Governing Bodies and Major International Refugee Conferences 1951 – 1990. Genf.

– (Hg.): 1990a, Report on the Status of Contributions to UNHCR Voluntary Funds and the Overall Voluntary Fund Requirements for 1990 and 1991 as of 31 May 1990. Genf.

– (Hg.): 1990b, Overview of UNHCR Activities: Report for 1989-1990, (submitted by the High Commissioner). Genf.

– 1990c, Information Note on UNHCR's Evaluation of Assistance Activities (submitted by the High Commissioner). Genf.

USCR (United States Committee for Refugees): 1989 ff., World Refugee Survey. 1988 ff. in Review. Washington D.C.

United States Department of State, Bureau for Refugee Programs, 1986 ff.: World Refugee Report. A Report Submitted to the Congress as Part of the Consultations on FY 1987 ff. Refugee Admissions to the United States. Washington, D.C.

Verhaeren, Raphael-Emmanuel: 1990, Partir? Une Théorie economique des migrations internationales. Grenoble.

Werener, Pnina: 1990, The Migration Process. Capital, Gifts and Offerings among British Pakistanis. Oxford.

Weyland, Petra: 1990, International Labour Migration and Household Reproduction. Egyptian Small Peasants in the 1980s. Bielefeld.

Zegers de Beijl, Roger: 1990, Discrimination of Migrant Workers in Western Europe. Genf.

Zolberg, A. / Suhrke, A. / Aguayo, S.: 1989, Escape from Violence. Conflict and the Refugee Crisis in the Developing World. New York / Oxford.

Zusammenstellung: B.I.V.S.