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02.07.2017 , 14:42 Uhr
Der Nobelpreisträger für Chemie Fredrick Soddy (Pionier der ökologischen Ökonomie) hatte schon in den '20-'30 Jahren die private Geldschöpfung gut beschrien und angeprangert - und Reformvorschläge formuliert.
Mr. Soddy’s (1877-1956) Ecological Economy
"Soddy’s fifth proposal (1926), the only one that remains outside the bounds of conventional wisdom, was to stop banks from creating money (and debt) out of nothing. Banks do this by lending out most of their depositors’ money at interest — making loans that the borrower soon puts in a demand deposit (checking) account, where it will soon be lent out again to create more debt and demand deposits, and so on, almost ad infinitum.
One way to stop this cycle, suggests Herman Daly, an ecological economist, would be to gradually institute a 100-percent reserve requirement on demand deposits. This would begin to shrink what Professor Daly calls “the enormous pyramid of debt that is precariously balanced atop the real economy, threatening to crash.”
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