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Sometimes it Snows in April

Es hätte eine Frühlingswoche werden können, Ostermontag im Grünen, eine Ahnung von Sommer. Stattdessen: Schnee. Sometimes It Snows in April, wusste Prince. Er starb vor einem Jahr Foto: AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

Tracy died soon after a long fought civil war,just after I’d wiped away his last tearI guess he’s better off than he was before,A whole lot better off than the fools he left hereI used 2 cry 4 Tracy because he was my only friendThose kind of cars don’t pass u every dayI used 2 cry 4 Tracy because I wanted to see him again,But sometimes sometimes life ain‘t always the way …Sometimes it snows in AprilSometimes I feel so bad, so badSometimes I wish life was never ending,and all good things, they say, never lastSpringtime was always my favorite time of year,A time 4 lovers holding hands in the rainNow springtime only reminds me of Tracy‘s tearsAlways cry 4 love, never cry 4 painHe used 2 say so strong unafraid to dieUnafraid of the death that left me hypnotizedNo, staring at his picture I realizedNo one could cry the way my Tracy criedSometimes it snows in AprilSometimes I feel so badSometimes, sometimes I wish that life was never ending,And all good things, they say, never lastI often dream of heaven and I know that Tracy’s thereI know that he has found another friendMaybe he’s found the answer 2 all the April snowMaybe one day I’ll see my Tracy againSometimes it snows in AprilSometimes I feel so bad, so badSometimes I wish that life was never ending,But all good things, they say, never lastAll good things they say, never lastAnd love, it isn’t love until it’s past

Prince, 1985

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