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Wie kann ich einem Deutschen noch trauen nach drei Jahren in einem deutschen Gefängnis

■ Ein indischer Gefangener klagt die deutsche Justiz an / Aus zwei Briefen an einen Straubinger Oberregierungsrat

Postal Order of 20 British pounds sent by my sister for shopping has not been changed into German Mark. I was told different stories by Mr. K, incharge of Solitary confinement. I was shown a slip of paper, which was as he claimed, from Bank saying Postal Order cannot be cashed or changed in German Mark as it was only for use in England. I asked for copy of same to use and send as Evidance to Court and other offices. I never received any further reply.

Since that piece of paper could be from anyone or anyplace and I am not being given copy, I have no reason or ground to believe its authenticity. I was told it would be kept in my File but I have no means to know. (...)

Thanking You

H.S.Sehedeve, Straubing

(...) One of the worst punishment known to man ist solitary confinement - a situation in which the individual ist not only cut off from the stimulation of Social interaction, but deprived of change and novelty any kind. For this reason it is employed in Straubing Prison to „soften up“ prisnors whome it is wished to Brainwash. Arrest Cells in Straubing Prison without House Radio, closed window (sealed), no cross ventilation or fresh air or enough oxygen nothing to read except religious books or Bible, deniel of Tobacco coffee and tea, deniel of food stuff brought from Prison shop and depending on Gaurd on duty or Mr. K., when asked for extra food seldom provided or given excuses of not there or giving Rice and noodles without sauce etc.

You had been putting me in all above mentioned with excuse of Disciplinary action of disobeying Gaurds for which you are fully responsible by not giving me proper answer for my enquiries for last two years, e.g. opening and closing times of my door. You allowed Gaurds to Harass and Torture me and order to do as they wished instead of giving or listening or making fixed rules and times.

(...) Because you changed your answer so many times that each decision was reverse of previous one. Now any decision given by you would be wrong as some or other time you ordered opposite. Other Prisnors are and were in same status as mine had regular timings except me because I am foreigner and unable to read your Laws books and dont have anyone in Germany who could take my grievances to proper authorities.

As I know from History same way people were treated in 1940's minus physical Torture. There was no place to appeal then as well as now except in Law books. Foreigners were treated as it was wished then as well now with me. Only difference that, I am putting and did put everything in writing, which you did not read according to your own words. If things would have changed, I would have not repeated but it is evidant from my letters. Further what I had to say were my words against your words or Gaurds. You could and did Mention what you wished in my File. Was there any Justice for Foreigners in 1940's? Were they heard? What about now with me?

About German Courts, Justice etc. I have good experience with my sentance of Eight years, do you think I would trust them to take action against you or in my favour? Or do you think I would trust any German after staying in German Prison for three years, two months and two days?

But as mentioned earlier that I have to follow Laws and House Rules set by German Justice and not wish of some official which is beyond Law or Rule just to please him. You had been forcing me to obey every command and knew that one or other time I would resist giving you a chance to punish me.

H.S. Shehedeve, Straubing

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