Verweis: Hyperstition Lecture
The Berlin-based American artist Diann Bauer addresses the concept of hyperstition – the making-real of projected fictions – in relation to the reality of time. Bauer argues that hyperstition is effectively used by those who already have power and that the mysticism typical of hyperstition as a rhetoric undermines a rational understanding of how time slips out of joint. That mysticism undermines the human capacity to deliberately construct a future. In contrast to this, the task for the left must be the construction of a future not defined by current configurations of power. Lecture in english at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele today 4 p.m. Anschließend um 16.45 Uhr Hyperstition. Ein Film von Christopher Roth in Zusammenarbeit mit Armen Avanessian.
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