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taz panter stiftung

From words to deeds

taz Panter Foundation

Support journalism, international exchange & civil courage with the taz Panter Foundation

Fighting for freedom of the press

The taz Panter Foundation is constantly breaking new ground and ultimately realising projects that initially seemed impossible. What began as a purely German programme with workshops of various kinds has now developed into a wide spectrum of events covering the whole world.

Seven young female journalists from Belarus marked the start of the foundation's international activities in 2011. Further seminars with participants from eleven post-Soviet states followed, as well as workshops with media professionals from Cuba, Asia and Africa. Since 2016, the foundation has been offering individual journalists, who are facing danger in their home countries, the opportunity to take a "time-out" as part of the "Refugium Stipendium" programme.

We also award the Panter Prize for civil engagement every year - since 2020 it has been dedicated to the fight against the climate crisis. In addition, we support critical journalism by offering young people without an academic background a Panter traineeship at taz. Together with our partners, we organise debates and conferences on constructive journalism, as well as non-profit journalism. The taz is a pioneer in this field, having been a co-operative owned by its readers since 1992.

Among the Panter Foundation's international workshops, the Eastern Europe workshops continue to hold the leading position. A region that is so close, yet still so far away for many. Over 200 journalists from the region, many of whom are networked both with each other and with the taz, have benefited from the Foundation's programmes. The approach of bringing people from different, sometimes conflicting countries together and thus promoting dialogue and mutual understanding has proven to be a successful model.

As positive as the result may be for the foundation, it is a negative in terms of freedom of the press and freedom of opinion worldwide. This is under increasing pressure - not only in Eastern Europe - and must constantly be defended. For this reason, we must stay focused and not let up in our work. We are also counting on you!

The goals of the taz Panter Foundation

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taz Panter Stiftung

Wir sind für Sie da: Mo-Fr, 9-17 Uhr


Friedrichstraße 21

10969 Berlin