: English learnen

Dear Passengers, this is a message from your local traffic company. Yes, you guessed right, it’s us, your BVG! Driving a bus is a truely hard job, you know. Many ugly, hell-beige-farbene taxis are driving on the bus lanes, the omnibusses would need much more horsepower and some of our customers are, well, let’s say, anything but little sunshines.

Nevertheless we decided to improve our service once more for you. Our busdrivers will learn English! We give them the ÖPNV-Fachbuch „Englisch in Bus und Bahn“ with on their tours through the town. For our German speaking friends some words from our press release: „Das sehr übersichtlich und ansprechend gestaltete Handbuch stellt auf 83 Seiten Fahrgastfragen und Antworten des Servicepersonals in Deutsch und Englisch gegenüber.“ Hey, is that nothing?!

Now you, dear tourists, and you, dear Great Britain-loving Berliners, can buy your short-distance-ticket in English – or just chat a bit with the driver, about what you want. For your personal practice we give you an example of a dialogue. Tourist: „Does this bus drive to the Nollendorfplatz?“ Driver: „I’m sorry, I don’t go there. („Fahren Sie zum Nollendorfplatz?“ „Nein.“). A better understanding can be so easy. And one thing we promise you. You will never, never hear one of the following sentences from our busdrivercolleagues. „Hey, take your fuckin’ feet out of the door!“ („Bitte nehmen Sie die Füße aus der Tür, wir können sonst nicht weiterfahren!“). „Shut up, stupe.“ („Bitte nicht während der Fahrt mit dem Fahrer sprechen.“) US