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europaplatzSteve Willey in London

In ganz ­Europa gibt es Europa­plätze, von Lissabon bis Vilnius. Aber ist an diesen Orten auch Europa? Und wenn ja, wie viel? Lyriker*innen und Auto­r*in­nen haben sich für uns auf die Suche begeben. (taz)

These are the Coordinates

If there is no square named

Europe in London

only Europe Road, names are coins

that order us. Henry Grace à Dieu.

Bronze cannon. Rolling: 1512.

Our relationship

a shining antagonism. A master

scheme. Sheltered

housing, flooded dry docks

in the name of safety

John M. Moore. 377 homes.

two 12-storey

slab blocks. Anglers. Masks: 1972.

Au bout du petit matin …

Port-au-Prince traded,

the colonial wars haunt roads

that square off different poverties,

St Domingo House, flanked

at right angles by 8-

and 9-storey blocks,

launched after ships

HMS Europa: 1783.

Dear Nicholas Trimmatis

step down over

rubble. Future cleaved. CBG.

luxury European

property market

638 convicts on board

400 cases of admission to hospital

38 deaths.

Mr. Peter Bossy

Surgeon of the Warrior hulk

you are now the panoramic view

of all our suspicions

off Woolwich. 1841.

Belliqueux, Penelope, Sceptre

outside the parish

Steve Willey (Jahrgang 1984) lebt und arbeitet in London als Lyriker und Dozent für Creative Writing und Englisch am Birkbeck College, University of London. Seine dritte Gedichtsammlung "Living In" wird in diesem Jahr bei The Onslaught Press erscheinen.

a hollow steel

barrier keeps

London in its floods

of pain to forget

its fourth-rate

squares. Slaves

now to a panic of cormorant wings

out of rushes, pursued

by a crow

territorial at the end of sunset,

this is not what is

or is needed: 2019.

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