■ Am 24. 5. würdigte die taz die inhaltslose Rede von US-Präsident Bush mit einer leeren Titelseite. Die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters verbreitete davon weltweit ein Foto. Das führte zu einer Flut von E-Mails aus den USA: Thank you for the blank page
betr.: „Bushs historische Rede“
That was great, the blank page. There are many Americans who feel the same. We wish the American press would be as honest. Thank you! LARRY BUSBY, Cedar Key, Florida
Thank you for printing your front page with President Bush’s „historic speech“. Our media is continuing to lie about the reception that this embarrassment to our country has received in Europe. CHARLES RODGERS, Lyons In., USA
Dear Sirs, I am sorry I don’t speak or write in German, as I am an American, but THANK YOU for the blank page you displayed for Bush’s „Historic Speech“. I hope that you realize that there are plenty of Americans who are mortified by what is going on in Washington and who have not forgotten what a miscarriage of justice the 2000 „election“ was.
Not all Americans are arrogant and selfish, though you might not realize it from the politicians we have. I consider myself to be a patriot, as I love America and want the best for it, and I am appalled that we have a „president“ of such low moral character and meager intellectual quality. Any country deserves better than this. BETH WELTY
Just to say thanks for the blank page regarding Bush – newspapers in the US are all bought by $$ and owned by corporations. The government is also bought by $$, especially the congress. We are prisoners here. Thanks and chus! VICTORIA ASHLEY, Oakland
I would like to express my appreciation to your newspaper, Die Tageszeitung, for your 24 May 2002 edition’s apt portrayal of „Bushs historische Rede“ as vacuous, empty rhetoric devoid of meaning and devoid of honesty. I wish I could read an American newspaper that would be as honest. Today, in the USA, our newsmedia are merely extensions of an arrogant corporatist power structure sponsoring the foreign policies Bush is promulgating. To you – Bravo! MIKE BLACKFORD, California
The Bush speech cover has to be one of the most fantastic newspaper layouts I’ve ever seen. Congratulations for pointing out what a useless pile of nonsense „our“ supposed President is – if only American newspapers were as brave, we’d be in a lot less trouble right now. ANDRE PERKOWSKI, Los Angeles, California
Dear Editor: I just came across a picture of your paper describing „President Bush’s speech with an empty page. I loved it! The cartoon with the empty bubble is priceless. The Germans have figured out that ol’ Dubya is an empty suit with a damaged brain.
I wish we still had a free press here in America so the people would understand what is happening. Your paper made my day. Bless you. SHARON HERMAN, Phoenix, Arizona
Thank you for your wonderful front page showing the true George Bush – an absolute blank!! ZERO! ZED! Pity us here in America!
Thank you for your coverage of the Bush speech. You got it exactly right. Wish I was there. JOHN EMERSON, Portland Oregon
Hahahahahahahah... mmm, haha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaahahhhaahahahahaha, *snort..** ha ha ha. Danke!
JOHN R. COYLE, Portland, OR
Thank you for your illustration of George W. Bush’s historic speech to your Parliament. We, the American people, are so very grateful to the German people for their clear-eyed assessment of Mr. Bush and their continued expressed affection for the American people.
We are under occupation here, with an unelected, flawed man holding the power to destroy the world in his hands. Despite what the propagandized American press and pollsters may say, Americans fear and despise Bush and his clique. Their instincts are despotic; their lust for wealth insatiable.
Tell your readers. Tell the world. Send election monitors here. Help us, as we helped you a few decades ago.
EILEEN SMITH, Massachusetts
I sure do appreciate you Germany people recognizing George Bush for being the person that he really is. Seen your newspaper with the blank page (very good). I couldn’t said it better myself. He is not my president, he was appointed by the right wing surpreme court, and there is a lot of US-Americans over here that are ashamed of him representing the USA. It is only the news media over here that kiss his rear end, they are owned by the White House. We real Americans are losing our freedom, and I belive the Bush Adminstration could be the downfall of our country, and maybe the world, with all their warmongering talk. Your American friend JOSEPH POTTS
I am an American. I am also ashamed of Bush. Our voting rights were trampled. Bush is NOT our President. He was elected in a coup, orchestrated by his brother in Florida. Talk to gregpalast.com if you want the truth. Please do not hold it against the American people. It is out of our control. Thank You for your empty Bush speech. His speeches are empty to us every day. MIKE
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