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taz Talk meets Han Sen’s Asiatalk Myanmar: From Coup to Civil War?

Since the military coup, the situation in Myanmar is getting worse. Han Sen’s Asiatalk is discussing the recent developments with exiled activists.

Relatives waiting for the release of their loved ones in front of Insein prison, Yangon. ap

The February 1 military coup in Myanmar was first met with colourful protests all over the country and a broad civil disobedience campaign. But soon soldiers opened fire on unarmed protesters, tortured activists and forced people underground or into exile.

When: Tue., 16.11.21, 7pm

Where: youtu.be/lQeBSashajo

Contact: taztalk@taz.de

Several communities and ethnic groups are now fighting back, attack army posts and convoys and target representatives of the military regime. While members of the former elected government are put on trial under fabricated charges, diplomatic mediation efforts have led nowhere and civil war is escalating.

taz Talk #97 - Nach dem Putsch in Myanmar

Han Sens ASIENTALK am 5. Februar 2021 mit den Myanmar-Expert:innen Jasmin Lorch und Wolfram Schaffar zum Putsch des Militärs und der Rolle von Aung San Suu Kyi: youtu.be/UdlCF5lS9gw

Myanmar's economy is already in shambles, the country is developing into a failed state and the transition to democracy turned into a distant dream. Discussing the recent developments and prospects for change are:

Han Htoo Khant Paing, exiled youth activist, former election observer, researcher digital public sphere.

Nyein Chan May, activist, co-founder and board member German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy.

Yadanar Win, exiled political multimedia artist.

Moderator: Sven Hansen, Asia-editor of taz since 1997 and host of Han Sen’s Asiatalk.

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taz Talk - Myanmar: From Coup to Civil War?

taz Talk - Myanmar: From Coup to Civil War?

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