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01.06.2020 , 15:27 Uhr
Edited: Debt. The big european problem. Countries and goberns not wanting to be so in the name od the public debt. Meanwhile opening the faucet to the private banking and spreading private debt like jets. They don't want to show the numbers that a responsible government would have to show. They're terrified about how people needs could be what they are. They fear to show a neccesary level of public debt. It was a reason for the pots-reunification crisis suffered by the Germans. After that the right solution for every body inside. "Let outsider to pay this time". From that time on, all Germans happy.
zum Beitrag01.06.2020 , 15:23 Uhr
Debt. The big european problem. Countries and goberns not wanting to be so in the name od the public debt. Meanwhile opening the faucet to the private banking and spreading private debt like jets. They don't want to show the numbers that a responsible government would have to show. They're terrified by that people needs could be what they are. They fear to show a necfcesary level of public debt. It was a reason for the pots-reunification crisis.suffered by the Germans. After that the right solution for every body inside. "Let outsider to pay this time". From that time on, all Germans happy.
zum Beitrag01.06.2020 , 14:58 Uhr
Force Labor. Working is a need and only that. It is better not working at all. But usually impossible. Cycle. For good days. Nature. It is more than landscapes. It is even at the center of Berlin.
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