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05.12.2017 , 11:56 Uhr
SALVADOR Nasralla heißt er... und das Bild... sieht gar nicht aus als Tegucigalpa!
zum Beitrag05.12.2017 , 11:50 Uhr
The article could be more informative if the name of the leader of the opposition were the correct one: Salvador Nasralla. This makes all the rest of the information in the article a bit dubious. As a Honduran, I still wonder what Berta Cáceres has to do with anything else going on in the country. Also, the fact that social demonstrations are going on doesn't make the situation "smell like a coup"... this western idea that social demonstations in the global south are a sufficient condition for a rupture in the constitutional order is just the epitome of prejudice.
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