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USA fellowship for journalists And the winners are...

The ten winners of the Daniel Haufler Fellowship have been selected. They will travel to the USA at the end of September.

Exciting time: November sees the US election Foto: Graham Klinger

taz Panter Foundation | The jury has made its decision - and selected the first ten journalists for the Daniel Haufler Fellowship "Journey in the US Media landscape" offered by the taz Panter Foundation. Congratulations!

The fellows will travel to the USA from September 28 to October 22 (click here for more information on the fellowship). We briefly introduce the ten journalists here:


Volkan Ağar Foto: Foto: Livia Kappler

Volkan Ağar | Volkan has been working as an editor at taz Zwei, the society and media section, since 2020. He also publishes his column "Postprolet" there every two weeks, in which he writes about class, social inequality and origin. He previously completed the taz Panter traineeship and worked as an editor for the German-Turkish online portal taz Gazete.


Julia Belzig Foto: Foto: privat

Julia Belzig | Julia is a freelance journalist based in Berlin after completing a Master of Science in Gender and International Relations at the University of Bristol. Her many years of work with feminist organizations have sharpened her interest in social justice, societal structures and human rights. Julia Belzig has always been fascinated by the role of the USA on the global political stage. However, she finds the developments in civil law in recent years worrying. That is why she wants to research abortion law in the United States.


Felix Biermayer Foto: Foto: privat

Felix Biermayer | Felix is 30 years old and moved back to the northern Black Forest after studying in Stuttgart and Amsterdam. Since then, he has been working there as a freelance journalist (who has suspiciously little time off) for several daily newspapers. His main subject is (local) politics, where personal relationships still play a major role. He is delighted that the Daniel Haufler Fellowship has given him the opportunity to research the situation of local media in the USA.


Theresa Crysmann Foto: Foto: privat

Theresa Crysmann | As an editor at the specialist briefing Tagesspiegel Background, Theresa mainly reports on the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, forest conversion, bioenergy, wolf management and carbon farming. She was previously responsible for the sustainability section of the news portal t-online with a focus on climate reporting. Until 2019, she worked as a press officer in Brussels. She trained as an editor at the German School of Journalism in Munich, holds a Master's degree in Human Geography from University College London and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and English Studies from the University of Bremen.


Moritz Fehrle Foto: Foto: David Pierce Brill

Moritz Fehrle | Moritz works as a freelance journalist in Hamburg, mainly on the topics of climate, agriculture and the economy. Among other things, his research focuses on change and disruption and how people deal with them. His work has been published in various newspapers and magazines and on public radio stations, including Süddeutsche Zeitung, NDR and Deutschlandradio. Moritz Fehrle studied history and English in Leipzig and graduated from the German School of Journalism in Munich.


Manuela Heim Foto: Foto: privat

Manuela Heim | Becoming a journalist was not an obvious choice for a working-class child. That's why Manuela first studied business administration and worked a lot. She then decided all the more explicitly to write: Second degree, traineeship at the taz. Since 2010, she has been reporting for the daily and weekly newspaper, primarily on social (in)justice. Since 2022, she has been editor for health and social policy in the domestic editorial department of taz.


Margit Hildebrandt Foto: Foto: privat

Margit Hildebrandt | Margit studied ecology with a focus on climatology in Münster and then worked in research for several years. But because she preferred to be a (science) journalist, she worked as a trainee at the climate and renewables magazine Neue Energie and then completed further training in data and online journalism, social media and content creation. She then went to Poland as an IJP Fellow, where she worked as a data journalist for the daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza. Since the end of 2022, she has been working as an editor in the foreign section of the weekly newspaper Jungle World.


Johanna Hintermeier Foto: Foto: privat

Johanna Hintermeier | Johanna ended up in Bavaria after her FSJ in Brazil. She studied Literature, Politics & Technology and Philosophy in Munich, with a semester abroad in Tel Aviv, Israel. She actually wanted to work for an international organization after completing internships at the Federal Foreign Office, among others. However, she then realized that journalism offers greater diversity and freedom in terms of content. Since then, she has been working as a journalist on the topics of social (in)justice, politics and digitalization. Since 2022, she has been working for Bayerischer Rundfunk on radio and for political television programs and occasionally writes for print media. Since moving to Berlin, she misses the mountains and pretzels.


Charlotte Lüder Foto: Foto: Anna Dittrich

Charlotte Lüder | Charlotte is 27 years old and a Hamburg native. She studied history, politics and cultural anthropology and is currently writing her master's thesis on the Cuban Missile Crisis. As a journalist, she has worked for Stern, Geo Reise, Eltern and Kinderspiegel, among others, and has been on the news desk at Spiegel for two years. Fast news, whether from politics or pop culture, is her passion. Breaking news and live tickers for Super Tuesday or the ESC make her heart beat faster. So if you want to talk about the upcoming US elections, colonial history or Taylor Swift, you've come to the right place.


Noelia Sanchez Barón Foto: Foto: privat

Noelia Sanchez Barón | Noelia was born in Gelsenkirchen in 1996. During her journalism studies, she completed an internship at ZDF in Berlin and worked as a reporter for WDR. In 2021, she joined the media start-up Facts for Friends - a digital platform that provides users with fact checks in the form of "FactSnacks". Noelia helped set up the TikTok channel as host and co-producer, and the team was awarded the Theodor Heuss Medal in 2023. She has been an editor at Stern since 2022. As a presenter and reporter, she can be seen and heard on Instagram and TikTok, among others. Her topics: Music, film, AI and society. Her formats: Vertical video, interview and video reportage.

■ You can find more background information on the Daniel Haufler Fellowship at the taz Panter Foundation here.

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