In Europa gibt es ein neues Bedürfnis nach Eindeutigkeit. Das ist mit der Fantasie ethnischer Homogenität verbunden, sagt der Historiker Nenad Stefanov.
Brüssel will einigen Schengen-Ländern die Fortführung der Grenzkontrollen für drei weitere Monate erlauben. Pro Asyl beklagt illegale Pushbacks an der EU-Ostgrenze.
Europe wants to “fight the root causes of migration“ by providing more aid to Africa. A cynical game: they are effectively paying for people to be detained.
No idea seems to far fetched for discussion. Internment in Africa, termination of rescue operations at sea – everything just for the sake of keeping refugees away.
The willigness to accomodate refugees in the Netherlands is limited. But there are efforts to improve the situation of displaced people staying in the country.
Ivory Coast has long been a popular target country for immigrants from West Africa. These days, however, many want to leave the country, especially young people.