Europe wants to “fight the root causes of migration“ by providing more aid to Africa. A cynical game: they are effectively paying for people to be detained.
Nigeria was the first country to sign a migration and mobility treaty with the EU. The EU Delegation is working intensely to negotiate a readmission agreement, but Nigeria is expecting compensation.
Spain was the first European country to use development aid on a grand scale to stop the migrants from coming. This is thought to be the model for current efforts of the EU.
For a long while, Morocco played the role of border guard to Europe. Liveable prospects for migrants emerged here temporarily. Since that time, repression has again become the order of the day.
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Junot Díaz hat einen Roman über einen jugendlichen Außenseiter geschrieben und dafür eine aufregende Sprachmischung aus „Spanglish und Nerdish“ erfunden. Für seinen Erstling bekam er den Pulitzer-Preis. Am Donnerstag stellte er sein Buch vor