Betr.: Zitate aus Ray Charles Autobiografie

„I dug the hippies cause they pointed to society’s two-faced standards and fucked-up demands. I heard that some of those folk were dirty, and I’m no lover of filth – a man should always wash his ass – but sometimes you need drama to drive home your message.“

„I know I ain’t getting out of death. When the cat comes a-knocking, I got no choice but let the motherfucker in. But in between time, if there’s any way to avoid getting cancer or going deaf, I’d be mighty grateful.“

„I’ve got enough bread to keep playing the music I want to play. And unless they drop a bomb on this place, I should be straight for the rest of my life – with food, shelter, clothing, a phonograph, a TV, some kind of transportation to get me around. And if I continue getting a little pussy to set off my day, I suspect I’ll be a reasonably happy man.“

Alle Zitate aus Ray Charles’ Autobiografie: „Brother Ray“ (Da Capo Press New York, 1992)