Protest from the working press

Here is the text of an official protest from the working

press currently in West Berlin for the annual meeting of the IMF & World Bank. The protest was issued today, 28 September 1988.

Battle-dressed police, under direct control and supervision of the governments of the United States, Great Britain and France, have subjected members of the working press to numerous unwarranted beatings in West Berlin, in order to prevent the press from carrying out its obligation, as guaranteed by the Berliner Verfassung and Grundgesetz as well as the UN Human Rights Charter and the constitution of the United States, to guarantee an independent and free press. Television news teams and press photographers have been singled out for particularly brutal, illegal and unconsitutional mistreatment. West Berlin police, under direct control of the U.S., Great Britian and France by way of the Allied Control status of this city, have refused to put a stop to this official hindering of the news media. The massive police attacks -- for example the beating, trapping and encircling of reporters -- have the apparent aim of preventing the reporting of actions by opponents of the IMF -World Bank policies. We, members of the working press currently in West Berlin for the IMF & World Bank annual meeting, hereby request urgent and immediate action by the U.S. Congress, the British parliament and the French parliament to guarantee the following:

1. An immediate end to the beating of reporters, the smashing of cameras and all other actions which interfere with the free press;

2. An investigation by the Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin and the U.S. Congress and all other responsible agencies to determine how it has been possible that West Berlin police officers -- under direct U.S., British and French government control and responsibility -- could be allowed to carry out anti-press policies that are abhorent throughout the world and are absolutely unacceptable in any democracy;

3. Swift and fair action that will bring to justice those who have interfered with the press, and their superior officers who have backed such policies.

This protest has been signed by more than two dozen members of the working press currently in West Berlin, including journalists, TV teams and press photographers from: Associated Press, Reuters News Agency, West German television WDR, Die Tageszeitung, Der Tagesspiegel, Berliner Morgenpost, Radio 100 and others.