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07.07.2015 , 14:55 Uhr
My daughter told me that the school director is considering prohibiting girls from wearing shorts to school because “it is distracting for the boys”.
I personally think this is a "wonderful idea". It not only takes us back a few generations of progressive movement but also demonstrates to the boys in the school that they are not responsible for their actions. Of course It is not their fault but rather the girl’s, if their pants get slightly uncomfortable and that they cannot think anymore for lack of blood in their brains.
Should we go even further and require that all females, including the teachers, wear long pants that cover their ankles and blouses that are buttoned up at the neck to prevent any possible “nipple-gate” occurrences? We might need to specify the thread count of the material used to make the blouses to prevent any see-though mishaps.
We could go a small step further and just make them, the girls, go to separate schools. This would allow the poor, distracted boys to concentrate on their studies without the constant distraction of the females. We should also fire all of the female teachers as well because they will most certainly become the object of desire when there are no girls in the school.
On second thought, why don’t we just learn a lesson from the Taliban and require all women to stay home and wear a burqua?
Why do we have a person with this kind of mentality working as a director of a school that is supposedly there to teach our children and get them ready for the future?
Then again, maybe he is.
This is not about shorts, this is about freedom of choice, religion and civil liberties.
michael p. cramer
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