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■ Anthony Burgess zum 75. Geburtstag

Time for a Tiger (1956)

The Enemy in the Blanket (1958)

English Literature: A Survey for Students (1958)

Beds in the East (1959)

The Right to an Answer (1960)

The Doctor is Sick (1960)

The Worm and the Ring (1961)

Devil of a State (1961)

One Hand Clapping (1961)

A Clockwork Orange (1962)

The Wanting Seed (1962)

Honey for the Bears (1963)

Inside Mr. Enderby (1963)

The Novel To-day (1963)

The Eve of St. Venus (1964)

Nothing Like the Sun (1964)

Language Made Plain (1964)

A Vision of Battlements (1965)

Here Comes Everybody (1965)

Tremor of Intent (1966)

The Coaching Days of England (1966)

A Shorther Finnegans Wake (1966)

The Novel Now (1967)

The Age of the Grand Tour (1967)

Urgent Copy (1968)

Enderby Outside (1968)

Shakespeare (1970)

MF (1971)

Joysprick (1973)

Obscenity and the Arts (1973)

Napoleon Symphony (1974)

The Clockwork Testament (1974)

A Long Trip to Teatime (1976)

New York (1976)

Beard's Roman Women (1976)

Moses (1976)

Abba Abba (1977)

Will and Testament (1977)

A Christmas Recipe (1977)

1985 (1978)

Ernest Hemingway and his World (1978)

Man of Nazareth (1979)

The Land Where the Ice Cream Grows (1979)

Earthly Powers (1980)

This Man and Music (1982)

The End of the World News (1982)

On Going to Bed (1982)

Ninety-Nine Novels (1984)

Enderby's Dark Lady (1984)

The Kingdom of the Wicked (1985)

Flame into Being (1985)

Homage to QWERT YUIOP (1986)

Blooms of Dublin (1986)

Little Wilson and Big God (1987)

Any Old Iron (1989)

The Devil's Mode (1989)

You've Had Your Time (1990)

Mozart and the Wolf Gang (1991)

A Mouthful of Air (1992)

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