: Poetry
Heute und morgen:Lemn Sissay. Statt großer Erklärung hier ein Gedicht aus Rebel Without Applaus.
Gil Scott Heron
Gil Scott Heron shines in tightly cut rhythmic rhymes.
The Harlem hero strikes again, jazz in the house, milk the pain.
From politics in poetics the symbols in the lyrics
shut in the drum ripple in the skin while the bass dives deep and digs in.
Gil Scott Heron shines in tightly cut rhythmic rhymes
the Washington wonder strikes again jazz in the house, milk the pain.
And Brian Jackson in zoot suite places into the root the sweet flute,
black and in Britain we know what Scott means when he documents the siege of New Orleans,
with subtlety in vibes and lyrics giving clues the man talks in colours in the inner city blues,
explaines how television would not be revolutionised and how the revolution would not be televised.
This panther is black catch its silhouette cutting a shadow to outline the debt.
Martin Luther King and a cut of Malcolm X wrapped in the musical strength of the Amnesia Express.
Gil Scott Heron shines in tightly cut rhythmic lines
Another black hero strikes again jazz in the house, milk the pain. 7.5.: Alabama, 22.30 Uhr, 8.5.: Mojo, 22 Uhr
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