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Lead us out of despair

betr.: „Kopf oder Bauch“, taz vom 3. 11. 00

Dear Sir, oh, we forgot. You are just so much more sophisticated and advanced in your thinking than we Americans. You clearly know what is best for us and the world. How can we not follow your lead? You even send over some aristocrats to lead us out of despair. I am certain that our representative learned so much. We are so grateful. Eventually, we will all realize that we are just stumbling around in the dark.

But, there is hope. Every day looking at you, we see the light. Soon we will understand that there is no alternative to your enlightened ways. We just need some time. Bear with us. Be our teacher. Send some more aristocrats. We will get there. Indeed, there might already be the first signs of hope. Your education might already show results. We might vote for Gore. He promises to get us there. Just a small first step just to be like you. Thank you. Thank you. Yours UWE D. STAERZ, Denver, USA

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