Marce Gutiérrez-Graudins

Founder and Executive Director of Azul

Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš is the Founder and Executive Director of Azul, a San Francisco-based grassroots organization that works with Latinxs throughout the Americas to protect the ocean and coasts. Marce is also one of five women founders of the Ocean Justice Forum, launched in 2021. She serves as a member of the California Coastal Conservancy’s governing board, is an expert advisory group member for the United Nation’s Environment Program on Marine Litter and Microplastics and is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s California Expert Assessment Group for the Green List. She is also on the advisory board of the Ocean Foundation and an advisory group co-chair for Heartwired to Love the Ocean, a project of Goodwin Simons Strategic Research and Wonder: Strategies for Good.


Veranstaltungen auf dieser Konferenz

Weltmacht in der (Klima-)Krise
Die Rolle der USA auf dem Prüfstand